miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007

bostezos con cafe

estos dias me dedico a ver Twin Peaks... y las decepciones abundan en el guion, casi como la propia vida

hoy me rodeo de verde espinaca y miro al suelo, fijamente... y es real, todo es real

sueño casi todas las noches con aquellas noches en las que, mas que soñar, vivia cada segundo antes de despertar con el amanecer... y los bostezos se fundian en cafe, y olian a chocolate y a mar

I've wasted all my years
Been chasin' all my fears
For another brighter than you
I gave in long ago to make it to the show,
But it's not easy when you're alone

All your prayers
In my ears
Don't you care?

Whir yourself around
Just to fall back down
Whir yourself around

My honey, little girl
C'mon, lets go for a whirl
It's still early, the sun is sleeping

She says she wants to marry me
She says she wants a baby
It's not easy when you're scared

Whir yourself around
Just to fall back down
Whir yourself around

All your prayers
In my ears
Don't you care?
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1 comentario:

Vic dijo...

nada mejor que esa canción para tus palabras...una de mis favoritas de mi disco favorito

un beso grande buzo